Monday 5 April 2010

Finally blog-ed again.
ryan ask me to blog then i blog derh.
today school really sucks man.
drop the school flag today -.-
lucky mr lau never scold me.
the feeling of doing the school flag the next 18 days is like -.-
did practical for Dnt today.
Dnt damn stressed sia.
feel like dropping it.
nothing much to post liao.
byes. Waichun rawks!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Sorry for not posting again.
i dam lazy la.
today school was super boring.
hate the new chinese cher.
come from china, like dont know how to teach sia.
i'm like super into k-pop right now.
Korea rawks man!
i want to migrate there sia.
been watching many korean variety show this few days.
and all of them are related to SNSD!
lol, i being lame .
now i want to continue my show liao.
BYE! (:

Wednesday 16 December 2009

East Coast Park :)

Look at shaun's face :P

Wenjie , Handsome seh

Wenjie and shaun !
Wenjie and shaun 2 !

My shit face :)

Today was sucha exciting day .
Wenjie , me and shaun planned to cycle to east coast today .
And we did !
So fun .
so let me tell you the events that happened along the way .
I woke up at 8.00am today .
Bathe , ate breakfast and rush to shaun's house before meeting wenjie .
when i reach there, shaun havent even bathe .
at about 10+
i and him cycle to pcn connector at pasir ris town park .
we waited wenjie for about 10mins .
then he came .
we set off after that .
we cycle through tampines park connector .
Yay , tampines . Near my house .
then we cycle to bedok park connector .
cycle awhile, shaun so easy get tired lor.
oops . haha .
then at bedok got one bridge got to push up the bike .
i end up pushing wenjie's bigger bike . -.-
so heavy .
then when we reached the other side .
his chain the gear come out .
i was like wtf .
then i help him pull the chain to the gear where the back wheel could be turned .
my hand was like black as charcoal .
and somemore is grease . oil grease -.-
cannot wipe away sia .
thank you shaun and wenjie for helping me ask around for a piece of tissue .
then i dont care liao .
i just continued to cycle .
then we cycle through bedok and to siglap park connector .
we then cycle through eunos and reach kembangan .
after cycling for 2 hours .
We reached east coast park ! yay !
we then went to macs to wash my black hands and eat .
i ordered big mac .
cause i super hungry .
after that we stayed in east coast while .
then we cycle back liao .
after that wenjie cycle home liao .
i cycled to shaun house .
we watch hai pai tian xin .
super nice .
then about 5pm , i went home liao .
so tired and got sunburn .
but it was so fun .
looking forward to the next cycling trip with you all .
so sian sia now .
i got nothing to post liao .

Friday 11 December 2009

hiie guys .
i dont know what to post sia .
i just post short one k?
today i woke up at 10 .
ate my breakfast .
at 1 , i got tuition .
so sian .
got nothing to post liao .
byes !

Thursday 10 December 2009

hiie guys !
i'm posting today again .
today i woke up at 10+ .
i know i slept like a pig .
hahaa .
cause ytd was freaking tired .
so sian sia .
today i never went out .
just stayed at home and watch youtube videos .
never even played a single game lor .
i decided to change my career a few days back .
not gonna tell you what i want to be :X
i know its very difficult to get it . but i will try .
i currently into kpop song this few days .
thats why my blog song is korean de .
still got 4 weeks to sch reopens .
so sianzx ..
currently talking to joanne and ryan .
joanne go work , sound like office lady .
at least she can earn money .
i cannot T.T
I think i got nothing to post liao .
Bye .

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Th view of outside from inside the chalet
inside th chalet :)


Quek Wen Jie :)


Hiie Guys .
Sorry for not posting for a very very long time .
After so long i've decided to post again liao . hahas .
all the photos up there are taken when we had our class gathering during 1-3 dec .
okay .
talk about today .
woke up at 8.45pm .
went to the doctor to have my cough and runny nose cured T.T
i had cough and runny nose since i came back from bangkok on 25 nov .
so long sia .
lucky not H1N1 . ^^
after consulting the doctor , i went to douglas house to wait for him .
we then go to the banglah lan at elias .
play for 3 hours then went home liao .
used the com for awhile then went cycling around tampines .
th holidays are freaking bored .
want to die liao .
siansian .
i really miss you so much .
i miss talking to you , miss seeing you .
i just miss everythng you do .
since i got nothing to do , i shall do the quiz that was tagged by Joanne .
1. Spell your name without an E, R, S, H, K, I, M, L, C, A, Y, N, T, B and D
wu ? LOL .
2. Are you single? Yes.
3. What is your favourite number? 5/10/20
4. What is your favourite color? black ,white ,red ^^
5. Least favourite color? Purple :O
6. What are you listening to? This Time.
7. Are you happy with your life right now? Not really.
8. Are you involved with anyone? No.
9. What is your favourite subject in school? Science :)
11. Do you have money? Yea?
12. Are you gay? Nope :O
13. Where do you wish you were right now? Don't know.
14. If you had to get a tattoo, where would you want it? And what would it be? Arm , some cool royal flush :)
Can you blow a bubble? Ya ?
Can you do a cart wheel? Nope , but last time can :O
Can you touch your toes?Yes .
Can you wiggle your ears? Nope.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Nope .
Did you ever want to be a doctor? Nope .
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? Nope
Did you ever want to be a teacher? Nope .
Do you like rollercoasters? Yea
Do you own a bike? Yes .
Do you play the lotto? No.
Do you like watching football? Maybe ?
Do you have a shopping addiction? Not really .
Does your family have family picnics? Once in a while :O
Does your wallet have any pics in it? Nope.
Last person you hung out with? Douglas Lavigne :)
Last car ride? Forgot liao .
Last baby you held? Forgot also .
Last person to leave you a comment? Wenjie bah .
What was the last thing you bought? A pair of movie tickets ?
What was the last thing you drank? Water .
What was the last thing you watched? Some random youtube videos ?
What was the last thing you read? I dont read :X
What was the last thing your hand wrote? Some chinese letters .
Who last talked to you on the phone? My sis
Who was the last person you took a picture of? SCJY !
Who do you miss right now? Someone lor .
Who last hugged you? My Mum ?
What colour shirt are you wearing? White.
Have any tattoos? Nope .
Have you any piercings? No .
Straight hair or curly? Straight .
Where are you right now? At Home ?
Failed a class? Dont understand -.-
Sang in front of a crowd? Yea , Primary sch .
1. In a relationship? Nope .
2. Want a relationship? Yes.
3. Wanna get married? Yes. Next time?
When was the last time you really laughed? Just?
Do you drink milk straight from the carton? Nope.
Who knows a big secret about you? Dont know .
How long is your hair? Dk.
When was the last time you sang out loud? Forgot liao .
What did you have for breakfast? Instant noodle .
Is your birthday on a holiday? Yes .
What instant messaging service do you use? MSN
Are you signed on it right now and if so, who are you talking to? Ryan And Wenjie
Can you cook? Yes
Did you have a nap today? Nope.
Jeans or sweaters? Sweaters .
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? Forgot liao .
Do you have any regrets? Yes .
Do you use an alarm clock? NOPE !
Where was your default Facebook picture taken? Bangkok ^^
Whats the first thing you notice of the opposite sex? idk .
Who would you like to see right now? Someone :)
Are you a social or antisocial person? Social .
Have the cops ever come to your house? Nope .
Do you have a tan? No.
Ever had braces? Nope .
Are you afraid of the dark? NO !
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Huh?
What’s your favourite commercial at the moment? Dont have .
Do you always wear your seat belt? No.
Who of the opposite sex do you have feelings for? No need to tell out right -.-
Do you like American Idol? Yes .
How do you feel about piercings and tattoo ? Piercing yes , tattoo nope .
Do you believe that what comes around goes around? Yes
What is your favorite fruit? Mango?
Does anyone love you? No T.T
Where is one place you want to visit? Korea ^^
Have you ever crawled through a window? Think so .
Are you a morning person or a night person? Both .
Are you a forgiving person? Yes.
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico? No?
Who was the last person to smoke a cigg in your presence? Someone in the lift .
Are you taller than 5′6? Yes.
Ever threw up? Yes ? i'm 14 LOL .
Ever had a crush on a teacher? No way.
Ever been punched in the face? No.
Ever punched someone? Yes .
Who were the 5 last people to text you? Wenjie , douglas , ryan , my tution teacher and shaun .

LOL , thats all .

Monday 30 November 2009

This was taken by douglas today . LOL .
siansian .
tmr chalet liao ^^
what should i wear ?
lol .
today me , shaun and douglas went to school to buy books and pants .
woke up at 7+ even though i sleep at 1+ yesterday .
LOL , i being random .
after buying books , i went to douglas house to change .
then we went to banglah lan .
we played left 4 dead 2 for 4hours . LOL
we played till siao .
then about 4+ we headed home .
now siansiansian .
i been trying to find a song for 3 weeks and finally found it .
thanks to someone ^^
anyway my m'sia trip is on 22-27 .
so dont call me on those few days .
aiya i got nothing to post liao .
byebye .


" She’s a lil girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."

5 in the morning.
you rang
" sry babe, after this 3 hours, I thought, it's better for us to seperate our diff. lifes.. m sry."
It ended.
You end everything with "m sry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

Tagboard here.

the sites.
chili.| chili.| chili. | chili.| chili. chili. | chili.| chili.| chili. | chili. chili.| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o