Wednesday 29 October 2008

2dae i gt ncc..
i took mrt 2 pasir ris..
den waited 4 my senior..
den we go somerset 4 a course..
when reach there..
dey sae course cancelled..
lyk WTH! la!
den nid 2 go bak hme..
sian la!
at hme plaed sf agin..
nw i am a red captain..
dam sian la!
tak so long 2 rank..
nw slackin n emo-ing..
nth 2 post liao..
-EnD OF PosT-

Tuesday 28 October 2008

2dae was lyk dam bad luck la!!
mornin i went to pasir ris mrt to do somethin sia!!
den i was ps lyk hell la!
2bd i cnt tel uu all wat happen..
den i went 2 interchannge 2 take a bus bak hme..
when i reach de interchange..
gt 1 man lying on de sand sia..
i dunoo is it faint or sumthin worse happen..
i guess de gf stand beside him n cry sia..
on tat tym i gt a funny feelin dunoo issit touched or sad..
den de ambulance cum liao..
aft tat i juz went up de bus..
den zai lu loyang flyover gt accident sia..
de army truck hit de lamp post..
if i'm nt rong..
de driver was ok..
aft tat i go buy my breakfast n went bak hme!!
at hme plaed sf wif najib,douglas,wen jie shaun n nicholas!!
aiya nw dam sian sia!!
nth 2 post liao..
bb,takcre!! =D
-EnD OF PosT-

Friday 24 October 2008

2dae was dam sian..
i woke up at 7.45am n plaed sf all de way..
holidaes mayb goin out..
aiya dam sian la!!
nth 2 post liao!!
-EnD oF PosT-

Thursday 23 October 2008

2dae was de report bk dae..
at 1st gt de kikboxin thin..
dam borin lar!
aft recess we go bak clas 2 sprin clean..
den recieve de report book..
Here r miie academic:
Home Econs:B4
lucky stil go express..
aft tat i folo shaun 2 his hme
coz he wan 2 chnge his match shirt..
aft we go bak sch we had pizza..
Ms Banu dam good la!!
den i bus-ed hme 2 plae sf..
nw slackin n doin nth..
haven even reach tmr i feel dam sian liao..
Aiya nth 2 post liao!!
-EnD OF PosT-
TO sum1:

Wednesday 22 October 2008

2dae was lyk dam hyper!!
gt de survey 1st..
i anyhow do wan..
den cher let us watch spiderman3
bt no 1 watchin so cher off..
aft recess gt de japans dunoo wat thin..
okok larr..
dey do de stupid dance dam funny..
aft tat we go performance theartre..
we watch kung fu hustle..
aft sch rain lyk siao..
i,shaun n ucas juz walk in de rain..
den halfwae we run coz de rain 2 big..
when we reached shelter i drenched sia..
my whole body wet lyk siao
den shaun i n lucas took 358..
shaun go hme change 2 hme clothes..
den i n lucas go e hub chnge..
we plae daytona n basketball dere..
aft tat we go 2 chicken rice shop 2 eat..
den we bus-ed hme liao..
at hme oni plae sf n chatted wif joseph..
tmr last dae liao..
dam sian la at hme!!
-EnD Of PosT-

Tuesday 21 October 2008

2dae sch was dam fun sia!!
mornin i took 17 to esparis coz i
alweaz wait 4 shaun n douglas cum den go sch..
shaun lyk so late la!!
so i n doug go shop n save buy sweet..
i bought peach impact..
dam expensive la!$2.75 leh..
bt nice lar!!
reach PE..
we plae frisbee..
den gt interclas..i dun noe we win 1e2 or dey win us..
bt huu cares??
aft recess..we go fitness corner..
suddenly gt 1 apple omost hit my head sia!!
drop down frm sky..
den lucas climb up de low wall..
aft tat nicholas took de apple n throw at de wall..
de whole thin explode sia..
sum of de apple hit lucas..
dam funny lar!
when we each clas
actualli gt survey bt i dun noe y dun hav..
den we plae lar!
we kp tokin bout ryan n his rashes sia!!
dam super funny larr!!
i osmost die sia!!
den we go clubhouse..
i plae-ed x-box n pools..
aft sch i doug n ding go lan plae!!
ding lend me de rubik's cube..
i broken my record sia..
i cn do one side in 38 secs..
when we reach lan..we plae sf n wolf team..
aft tat i folo-ed ding n doug bak 2 pasir ris b4 goin bak hme..
tmr i n shaun goin 2 e-hub arcade 2 plae..
i dam scared my result lar!!
nvm larr..
2 all de gurls tat was invole in ytd de 事情..
happie liao ryt??

Monday 20 October 2008

2dae sch was lyk dam ** lar!!
gt de ava 1st..
i,lucas,shaun n nicholas playin nvr listen cher tokin..
aft tat go 2 science lab..
dere was where everythin started..
at 1st i shaun n nicholas lookin at SF videos..
dhen suddenly sum1 throw 1 key 2 me sia..
gt de Ying Jie word tat..
i was laughing lyk siao..
den nicholas throw de key 2 JP..
aft recess..we go inside AVA rm..
nt long aft i n shuan was cal out..
aiya..tat ying jie cry bcoz of 1 key..
lyk gay lar!he everytym act gangster bt nw lyk baby lyk tat sia!!
den i n shaun try 2 find his clip..
bt cnt find den..
aft tat i n shaun cal JP n nicholas cum out..
ms banu scoldin us..
confirm change my remarks until very bad 1..
desiree oso cal out coz nicholas throw de key near her table..
den dey go find de key..
nt long aft dey cum bak wif de key..
den tat case solve liao..
den gt another case guan yi i n lucas..
coz ying jie de clip loss den wan us 2 find..
find find last stil cnt find..
den ms banu sae we cn go liao..
die liao..
confirm ms banu change my remark de..
aiya..den aft sch i shaun lucas dingxuan n douglas go lan plae sf..
when we come bak we go ws..
we down dere plae pangseh game dam fun lar!!
aft tat i go hme liao..
tmr gt pe..
hope i will stil be promoted!!
mth 2 post liao..
bb,takecare! ;D

Thursday 16 October 2008

2dae we go science centre..
go 2 de omni theartre at 1st..
dam nice larr de effect..sumore de screen so big..
aft tat we go 2 de H20 thin..
i nvr do de task sia..
bt cher nvr collect..
aft tat nicholas n lucas dunoe go whr sia..
nid 2 wait so long den cn go bak hme..
aft reach sch i bus-ed hme..
plae sf n slack!!
dam sian larr tmr no sch..
aiya nth 2 post liao..

Wednesday 15 October 2008

2dae sch was ok..
tis is my other half of my result:
english: 4gt liao..
history 73/100
chinese :fail
hpe my normal hw cn hlp pull up my my chinese..
aiya at least cn go sec 2 exp nxt yr!!
tmr goin science centre sia..
dam sian la..i go dere lyk million times liao lorh!!
aft sch i ate lunch at sch..
den i took 39 to tampines bus interchange 2 top up my ez-link
go hme n plae sf..
2dae mum's b'dae..
dam sian la!!
aiya nth 2 post liao..
bb,takecare !!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

2dae at sch recieve sum of de exams mark cum bak..
2dae was oso lyk dam borin la..
here are my 1st few result:
Maths Overall:59/100
Chinese Paper 1:35/70
Hme Econs:35/60
i noe very lousy..
hpe my other paper cn hlp 2 pull up my marks..
aft sch i,shaun,douglas n lucas go to tampines lan shop..
we go dere plae 4 1hr..
den i folo shaun go bak pasir ris..
coz i 4got to pass up my travel declaration form..
aft tat i bus-ed hme..
reach hme oso plae sf..
dam sian larr nwadaes..
nth 2 post liao..

Saturday 11 October 2008

2dae dam sian lar!
gt tuition sumore..
cum bak den plae sf..
n sms-ed shaun..
at hme realii dam sian leh!!
hpe tues cum faster..
ltr goin airport 2 eat..
goin airport again sian larr..
nw currently slackin..
nth 2 do wan..
nth 2 post liao..
bb takecare!! =D =D

Thursday 9 October 2008

2dae was de last dae of exams..
gt de hme econ paper..
okok larr..
coz i nvr study so quite difficult..
durin exams dam funny larr..
nicholas go point middle finger at ms neo sia..
dam cool larr!!
aft tat i go hme liao..
reach hme plaed SF wif everyone..
nxt rank i aimin is major..
dam long larr i guess nid 2 month..
aft tat at 1st i thought gt tuition..
bt nvr go coz my cher sms sae tat dun hav..
dam happy larr!!
nw at hme usin com..
dam sian lar!!
tmr n mondae no sch can plae sf..
my bro de 'O' level comin liao..
he so gd larr he everydae cn so late come bak hme..
nth 2 post liao..
bb,takecare !! =D =D =D

Wednesday 8 October 2008

2dae sch finish vey fast..
9+ go bak hme liao..
gt de maths paper 1 2dae..
quite easy leh..i do finish in de 1st 1/2 hr..
aft tat shaun blangah me bubbletea..
den i took 12 to near my hse de market 2 buy brakfast..
when i reach hme..i on de com n started playin..
even though tmr hav hme econ paper..
bt i nvr ryt??
WHOO!!tmr last paper finally..
cn do all de thin i wan liao!
nw hopin tat i wun fail any subject..
2dae chatted wif wq oni..
nobody tok 2 me..dam sian larr!!
nth 2 post liao..
bb,takcare!! :) :) :)
2 de unknown who saed hi.. if uu dun noe uu are enterin ppl privacy without
revealin ur me tat is bull shit..
reaveal ur fuckin name asshole !!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

2dae sch was ok..
gt de science exams 1st..
ok larr..
i tink i can pass..
aft sch i n shaun went to central 2 eat prawn noodles..
den gt 1 woman keep tellin us wat to do lar!!
feel lyk scodin her sia on tat time..
aft tat i bus-ed hme..
at hme i plae sf wif ryan shaun n najib(1e5 guy)
plae plae plae den dun wan plae liao..
nw dam sian larr !!
dunnoe wat to do sia!!
btw i changed my blogskin n music..
nth 2 post lerr !!
bb takecare !!

Sunday 5 October 2008

dam sian sia 2 dae..
do art oni..
frm mornin do until nw..
dam sian larr !!
sumore i hate ART !!
muz tahan a few more dae den over liao !!
nw still doin art sia !!
dam borin larr..
ate frog legs porridge durin lunch juz nw..
my mother cook 1 dam nice larr !!
her b'dae cumin liao..
muz buy her present..
nth 2 post liao..
bb,takcare =)

Friday 3 October 2008

In de mornin..i took 17 2 shaun's hme..
den we together go sch..
den in sch gt lit SA2..
so dam difficult larr..
aft tat gt science tutorial..
actyalli wan 2 jabot wan..
bt cnt..
dhen go hme plae Sf..
i finally rank up to CAPTAIN liao..
dam happy..wen jie oso nw captain..
currently slackin..
waitin 4 exam to be over..
tmr gt 3 tuition..dam sian larr..
nth 2 post liao..
see uue guys on mondae..
How delicious is the winningOf a kiss at love's beginning,
When two mutual hearts are sighingFor the knot there's no untying!Yet remember, 'Midst our wooing,Love has bliss,
but Love has ruing;Other smiles may make you fickle,
Tears for other charms may trickle.Love he comes,
and Love he tarries,Just as fate or fancy carries;
Longest stays, when sorest chidden;Laughs and flies,
when press'd and bidden.
Bind the sea to slumber stilly,Bind its odour to the lily,
Bind the aspen ne'er to quiver,
Then bind Love to last for ever.
Love's a fire that needs renewalOf fresh beauty for its fuel:
Love's wing moults when caged and captured,
Only free, he soars enraptured.
Can you keep the bee from ranging
Or the ringdove's neck from changing?No! nor fetter'd Love from dyingIn the knot there's no untying.

Thursday 2 October 2008

2dae sch was ok..
gt history..we watch tom n jerry..
lame ryt? bt still funny..
science was nxt teacher teach dam sian lar!
dhen gt maths quiz..
aft recess gt lit cher teach teach teach bt we nvr listen..
notti ryt?
dhen gt project work..
we watch de charlotte web..
de show okok larr..
dhen aft sch we go terminal 3..
walk walk walk..shaun scared lost sia..
LOL !!
aft tat folo shaun bak 2 pasir ris den tak 39 bak hme..
dam sian larr..
tmr gt lit exam..
aiyanth 2 tok liao..


" She’s a lil girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."

5 in the morning.
you rang
" sry babe, after this 3 hours, I thought, it's better for us to seperate our diff. lifes.. m sry."
It ended.
You end everything with "m sry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

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imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
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