Friday 22 May 2009

today was boring and fun.
the 1st part was the freakingly boring public speaking.
got to stand in front of the class and speak.
i don't mind lor.
after recess was cyber wellness.
another boring post exam activities.
after school, wen to shaun house to change my clothes.
then we(ryan,doug,shaun and me) went to e-hub to watch natm2(night at the museum 2)
okay lar that show.
we play-ed arcade there also.
after that bus-ed home.
now super sianzz.
don't know what to do?
am i ... nvm..
aiya i don't know what to say liao.
this is currently 80th post.
gtg lerr. byes!

Thursday 21 May 2009

This round examinations were okay.
and it is better dhen the last round.
haiz failed chinese.
english got 61 for overall.
maths got 62/100, hmm.. improve..
geography.... forgot liao.
history got 74/100 miss one mark to A1. zz.
literature got 31/50
homeecons i totally suck! 36/60.
and finally science 84/100.. 1st in class. am i boasting?
is my results better then CA1?
i don't know.

shaun say i maybe in top10.
but i don't think so lor.
but i hope so lar.
today was quite a boring day.
watch movies in AVA room.
The pink panther last time i watch in hongkong liao..
so boring la!
now everyday life is so complicted.
how do i simplify it?
algebra? hahas.
tomorrow got post exams activites again.
the public speaking really super boring lar!
so sianz.
aiya, i got nothing much to say liao.
bye! takecare!

Saturday 16 May 2009

Yesterday was the last paper.
so happy lar!
now at home can slack and no need to study.
sorry for not posting for very long.
because of the mye i got study, so very busy.
and now sitting down glued to my seat and playing com.
ytd went to douglas house to swim.
dam fun.
aiya i also don't know what to talk liao.

Thursday 7 May 2009

today we had literature exams.
i write until my hand pain sia.
got so many things to write lar.
hope i can score in literature also.
tomorrow is school as normal.
the other subjects are next week.
when i finish my exams.
i play like siao.
i lost my holes for a long time liao.
but lucky today's paper got extract.
ms neo today chided me for not tucking in my shirt.
is my own choice whether to tuck in anot right?
tomorrow got ncc? i also don't know sia.
got rehearsal for ncc day.
on 1st july.
i'm getting bored of ncc liao.
so sianz la.
tonight i slack all i want.
and stop thinking things that troubled me.
went to wenjie's house today.
play soldier front on his com, dhen audi.
after that went to elias mall to eat.
came back to his house to play soccer
and went home.
at home play-ed audi again.
i'm getting noob liao.haiz.
gtg ler! Bye!

Tuesday 5 May 2009

sorry for not posting for a long period.
no mood to write.
anw, today was geog exam,
ytd i did not study, hope can try to get marks.
tmr got maths and listening compre.
i want to try to get higher marks in maths.
today kena held back at front gate.
did not bring my thermometer.
sorry guys for being late and made u all kena held back for exams also.
got tuition at 4.30pm
i don't think i want write liao.
bye taKEecare!


" She’s a lil girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."

5 in the morning.
you rang
" sry babe, after this 3 hours, I thought, it's better for us to seperate our diff. lifes.. m sry."
It ended.
You end everything with "m sry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

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1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
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