Friday 25 September 2009

sianzx ..
everyday like lesser & lesser things to talk liao ler ..
after school today went to douglas's house to play billard..
then went for ncc.
got cramp at my left leg sia..
dam pain la ..
the whole big piece of muscle cramp up lehh..
until now still pain.. (T.T)
did something wrong today ..
not gonna say it out..
gtg !
byes !

Thursday 24 September 2009

not gonna post today .

Wednesday 23 September 2009

look like shaun is pointing middle finger , hahas xD
this pic was taken ytd at pasir ris town park playground ..
we were like so lame la .playing see-saws , swings ..
today lesson's was so BORING !
had maths , got to study for maths liao..
i like getting worse & worse in Maths ..
after that was PE.
did some conditioning..
hate that female teacher ..
i also dk why i hate her , hahas .
after recess was science ..
called shorty stupid !
then was english ..
so sianzx..
last period was CD , and we did science for CD as well ..
wth la..
after school went to tampines1 with ryan & dx..
ate lunch there ..
the chendol there is making me sick (T.T)
taste like shit la..
haizx .. tmr got parent meeting..
confirm got some ppl want to bastard my parents want..
hack care lor..
enough of talking craps liao..
gtg , byes !
p.s. dont anyhow leh..

Sunday 20 September 2009

sorry for not posting the last few days..
too lazy to post lor :P
firstly i want to wish someone HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
haizx so sianzx..
maybe later going out ..
hope so lor..
i want buy new shoes ..
what should i do now leh?
so sianzx..
ytd cycle to ryan's house ..
then we saw some adults doing stuff at fitness corner ..
dam funny la they..
like they dunno how to do like that.
tmr no school .. SIANZX!!
exams coming liao ..
gotta study lotslots..
byes takecare

Thursday 17 September 2009

after so long , it is time to come back to post again..
some sad things happened not long ago.
do not want to bring it up..
today school was quite boring sia..
history was first (boring)..
music was even worst , we practically did nothing..
geog was taken over by the black teacher..
recess then lit..
ms tok was not here the whole day..
hahas :)
after lit was mother tongue..
so sianzx sia..
last period was the stupid science..
hate it manzx..
was pissed by the shorty..
everytime got litter near me ..
only call me picked up..
u think what ? i your dog ah..
after school went to whitesands ..
BK for lunch then went to library..
exams coming liao..
must study hardhard..
ilovesleepinglate !!
but ytd at 11+ sleep .. lols..
today must sleep latelate..
hahas :)
idk why i having a change of heart..
joanne u better not tell hor..
whats the matter with me ?
am i so easily taken over..
so boring this few days..
can someone please talk to/entertain me??
so boring !!
i got nothing to post liao ler..

Thursday 10 September 2009

why everythings turn out this way?
i admit , i did accuse you ..
but it is normal , jealousy..
that is the feeling on monday..
i got too much things in my head right now..
too much already..
headache and stress..
i don't know whether really i cant take this anot ..
my streaming is coming also..
there is more things to worry as well ..

Thursday 3 September 2009

its been ages seen i've been blogging..
so sorry , i really need time to cool myself down this few day..
i want to thank all the friends who counsel me everyday ..
(ryan , shaun , wenjie , syafiqah , jiamin )
thanks so much..
w/o you all i think i will suffer..
not long before today, was the 1st month aniver..
to whom you might blame yourself..
from the start , i never blame you .
we cannot decide what will happen next .
so even there are ups and downs..
blaming oneself will not solve the problems..
i myself too have problems..
but i want to thank all my friend who help me..
friendship is the gift of life..
even though i've not really cooled down..
but i will try to ,just for you ..
i'm sorry for not being there for you when you're down..
i think i also have tried hard too..
been trying to start communicating you this few days ..
even though i fail ..
but i will not give this up so easily..
maybe i am just too plain & black and white ..
sorry for not bringing the different colours into your life ..
i really want to get back normal like the day we started off ..
but i will not force ..
i will try my best yet again..
been missing the days when we were so cheerful ..
you are the only light i see when i am down..
hope you will understand what i mean..
i want to tell you that i will not give this up so easily..
i hope to be there everytime time you are down ..
and one last thing..


" She’s a lil girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."

5 in the morning.
you rang
" sry babe, after this 3 hours, I thought, it's better for us to seperate our diff. lifes.. m sry."
It ended.
You end everything with "m sry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

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imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
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