Monday 30 November 2009

This was taken by douglas today . LOL .
siansian .
tmr chalet liao ^^
what should i wear ?
lol .
today me , shaun and douglas went to school to buy books and pants .
woke up at 7+ even though i sleep at 1+ yesterday .
LOL , i being random .
after buying books , i went to douglas house to change .
then we went to banglah lan .
we played left 4 dead 2 for 4hours . LOL
we played till siao .
then about 4+ we headed home .
now siansiansian .
i been trying to find a song for 3 weeks and finally found it .
thanks to someone ^^
anyway my m'sia trip is on 22-27 .
so dont call me on those few days .
aiya i got nothing to post liao .
byebye .

Saturday 28 November 2009

hihi .
i am back to posting again .
came back at about 1am thursday .
so dam tired la.
bought alot of shirt in bangkok^^
went to floating market & elephant village .
so fun .
i tried abit of fried worms and cricket .
it was tasteless lor .
i know its digusting , but no harm trying mah .
anyway , if you want to see my photos of me in Bangkok .
please go to my facebook and see.
cause i lazy to post here :x
now dam freaking boring ..
i'm going malaysia on dec +
will tell you all when my parents have confirmed .
i havent bought my long pants yet .
haha . still need to taper .
yay .
i miss school so much man .
hope school reopens faster !
nowaday , i feel so sick sia .
cough then runny nose then headache .
hope i can get well soon .
i think i got nothing much to say liao .
Byebye .

Friday 20 November 2009

slept at 2+ last night again .
staying up late is cool .
LOL ._.
woke up at 9+ .
waited for my brother to go poly then i use .
did pratically nothing today .
so today was a boring day ..
havent pack my luggage yet ^^
even though tmr is my flight to bangkok .
lol .
tomorrow dont contact me liao hor .
my flight will be at 10am .
i will be back by wednesday 's midnight .
so thursday will be back to posting and uploading of photos .
miss me ok?
jk . hahaa .
siansiansian .
i think i got nothing to post liao .
byebye ^^
You are needed to complete my puzzle of my life .

Thursday 19 November 2009

Can you see th light ? i took this with my phone . lol.
sorry for not posting th last few days hor .
so lets talk about today .
woke up 8+ today even though i slept at 2+ last night .
lol .
then got ready and headed to tuition .
sian .
i still got tuition ):
3hrs .
haiz .
came back about 12+
actually wanted to go school to buy my pants .
then change plan to next time .
lol .
onlined, and chatted with joanne choo .
very sian sia .
somemore everyday rain .
make my mood even worse .
currently talking to ryan foo .
i random-ly talked one .
haha .
saturday i'm leaving for bangkok .
and i havent started packing my clothes yet .
haha . too lazy .
i think i got nothing to post liao .
Byebye !
its not like , its love .

Tuesday 17 November 2009


1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- dk .. pilot ?
2. Have you ever fallen in love?
- yes .
3. Do you like older guys/girls?
- nope, same age or younger .
4. Who are the most important to you?
- someone lor .
5. Who/what are you thinking right now?
- What am i gonna buy my stuffs in bangkok :)
6. What is your favourite colour?
- White , Black , Red
7. Are you serious in love?
- yea .
8. Would you cry for the one you love?
- Do guys cry ? not me .
9. Have you ever failed in life?
- yea , almost all th times ):
10. What is your full name?
- lol , CheahWaiChun .
11. Do you like your first name?
- idk . lol .
12. How long have you liked the person you currently like?
- should be a few months bah .
13. Have you kissed someone in the last 48 hours?
- nope .
14. Did you cry today?
- nope . another lame question .
15. What are you doing this morning at 8am?
- Still sleeping . LOL
16. What are you doing an hour ago?
- eating my breakfast lor .
17. What are you currently doing?
- doing this stupid quiz and talking to joanne choo zi xia .
18. Who last texted you a msg?
- Quek Wen Jie :)
19. Have you told anybody that you love them today?
- nope . haha .
20. Do you miss anyone now?
- ya?
21. Any plans for tomorrow?
- catching a movie , 2012 :)
22. Is there anyone you want to be with now?
- lol another question . YA !
23. Name someone who make you smile today.
- No one yet leh . haha .
24. Name a friend whose name starts with " Z "
- err.. Zahid?
25. Which of your friend stay closest to you?
- lol . idk .
26. Do you prefer to call or text?
- both :)
27. Was yesterday better than today?
- everyday seems th same to me leh . LOL
28. Can you live a day without your tv and phone?
- Maybe ? when i got NCC camp lor .
29. Are you mad about anything now?
- Nope .
30. Do you ever think that relationships are really worth it?
- Yea , each partner will feel happy and blessed when they are together .
31. Last person you visited in a hospital?
- Nobody . lol .
32. When is your last and second last hug.
-No one . LOL .
34. How do you feel about your life right now?
35. Do you hate anyone?
- Nope .
36. Last person you called?
- Ryan Foo .
37. Who usually sent you the most texts in a month?
- Should be Quek Wen Jie . haha .
38. Is your room messy now?
- Nope .
39. What are you currently doing?
- This DUMB QUIZ ! keep asking th same question .
40. Tag 10 person to do this quiz.
- Imaginary friend No. 1
- Imaginary friend No. 2
- Imaginary friend No. 3
- Imaginary friend No. 4
- Imaginary friend No. 5
- Imaginary friend No. 6
- Imaginary friend No. 7
- Imaginary friend No. 8
- Imaginary friend No. 9
- Imaginary friend No. 10 :P

Monday 16 November 2009

sorry for the last few days .
i got no time to post .
so today i post k?
today i woke up at 10 .
dk why this few days been waking up late .
i watch jackie chan's rob-b-hood online today .
dam funny la .
watch until 2+
change then went to shaun house ..
went there watch swat .
that movie is super nice .
lol .
tmr is wenjie bdae ler .
i hope that someone will wish him happy bdae .
anw , i gtg ler .

Thursday 12 November 2009

today shaun came my house in the morning .
i very little invite ppl to my house want lor .
he came my house we only played sf and audi only .
sianzx ..
quitted audi like how long ago .
after he had his lunch at my house .
we went to ehub , walkwalk .
then went ws .
played arcarde and i buy mac to eat .
after that took 17 home liao .
sianzx ..
nowaday my com like got prob sia .
sometimes suddenly blackout .
hope can change into a new com soon .
aiya , i think i got nothing to post liao .
byebye .

i didnt know this will bring so much pressure on you . is it all a waste?

Wednesday 11 November 2009

sorry for not blogging ytd hor .
so today then i post .
anw , today i feel dam sick sia .
headache sice morning .
somemore this morning got tuition .
blame it on my english ..
sian sia .
hope tmr shaun come my house^^
dino is organising a class chalet if 30 ppl coming .
need pay $5 only .
so cheap .
so hope more ppl come hor ..
hate th holidays manz .
actually my ncc PTI course is on 24-25 nov .
then it clash with my bangkok trip .
sigh .
not got nth to post about liao .
so byebye !

Monday 9 November 2009

hihi .
went to shaun's house in the morning .
played basketball ^^
haha .
after that went to shaun's house again .
thanks shaun for the free lunch ^^
we watch G-force .
dam cute la the guinea pig.
after that wasted time going to elias .
then we call douglas to go his house .
we down there played billard .
i got to buck up on my billard .
losing my touch .
haha .
went to doug house and played nerf .
lame right?
haha .
i added a new song .
byebye by jackie boyz .
hope you like it .
i'm missing someone right now . T.T
anw , gtg ler .
byebye ! ^^

Sunday 8 November 2009

today short post k?
went badminton with ryan today .
but we end up sitting down and talking to each other .
sianzx .
tmr going shaun house to play basketball ^^
gtg ler byes

Saturday 7 November 2009

back to posting again .
today was quite a boring day ..
nothing much happened today ..
i , shaun & wenjie met up at pasir ris park
and went cycling.
we cycle to tua pek kong .
dam tiring la .
i dont think i cannot anymore things to post .
byes .

Friday 6 November 2009

My blog becoming alive again .
after so long -.-
lol , sianzx ..
got my class results today .
going to go 3e2 next year ..
i dont know whether is it a good thing or a bad thing .
anw , Happy B'dae Douglas Lavigne !
haha ..
i dont know why am i feeling so stressed over some stuffs .
i dont know what to do next .
can someone tell me ?
haizx .
aiya , i got nth to post liao ..
Byebye , tag my blog hor ;)


" She’s a lil girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."

5 in the morning.
you rang
" sry babe, after this 3 hours, I thought, it's better for us to seperate our diff. lifes.. m sry."
It ended.
You end everything with "m sry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

Tagboard here.

the sites.
chili.| chili.| chili. | chili.| chili. chili. | chili.| chili.| chili. | chili. chili.| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o